
  • woman wearing headphones - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR for trauma PTSD

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a highly effective and compassionate approach to healing emotional wounds and trauma. This therapeutic method offers a safe and supportive environment for individuals to address past traumas, reduce emotional distress, and foster personal growth.

    EMDR is a structured and evidence-based psychotherapy that help clients process and resolve distressing memories. In EMDR, a trained therapist guides clients through the process of reprocessing traumatic memories, allowing them to integrate these experiences into their broader life narrative. One distinctive aspect of EMDR is the use of bilateral stimulation, typically in the form of eye movements, to facilitate the brain's natural capacity for adaptive processing. This helps clients desensitize the emotional charge attached to painful memories and promotes healthier, more adaptive beliefs and responses.

    The therapist's role is to provide empathy, support, and a non-judgmental space in which clients can explore their experiences and emotions. Through this collaborative partnership, clients can regain control over their lives and achieve emotional healing.

    EMDR therapy is renowned for its effectiveness in addressing issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and a wide range of psychological difficulties. It allows individuals to face their past traumas with courage and compassion, fostering resilience and self-empowerment.

  • Woman with brown hair using tapping EFT technique for trauma and anxiety

    Emotional Freedom Technique & Tapping

    You are embarking on a journey to relieve emotional stress and promote inner harmony. Emotional Freedom Technique is like having a secret weapon in your pocket for managing your feelings and anxieties. We call it the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, and it involves something quite simple yet remarkably effective—tapping.

    With EFT, we use our fingertips to gently tap on specific meridian points on your body while addressing the issues that trouble you. It's like having a calming conversation with your own body and mind. This gentle tapping sends signals to your brain, helping to release emotional blockages and reduce the intensity of negative emotions. It is particularly helpful with anxiety, phobias, chronic pain, and trauma.

    It's like a reset button for your emotions. As your guide in this process, I'll be here to help you navigate the tapping sequences and explore the root causes of your emotional challenges. Together, we can unlock a sense of emotional freedom and create a more balanced and resilient you.

  • Woman with curly hair on the beach - narcissistic abuse recovery

    Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

    Therapy for narcissistic abuse is a vital and supportive process that can help individuals heal and regain their well-being after experiencing the damaging effects of narcissistic relationships. It's both professional and empathetic, aiming to empower survivors and provide a safe space to recover from the emotional wounds inflicted by narcissistic individuals.

    In this type of therapy, the counselor works with survivors to address the complex aftermath of narcissistic abuse. The therapist offers a non-judgmental, empathetic environment where clients can share their experiences, feelings, and challenges without fear of blame or criticism.

    The therapy process typically involves several key components:

    1. Validation: One of the first steps in therapy for narcissistic abuse is validating the survivor's experiences and emotions. Survivors often face gaslighting and manipulation in narcissistic relationships, making it crucial for the therapist to acknowledge their reality and the harm they've endured.

    2. Education: Therapists provide clients with information about narcissism, the dynamics of narcissistic relationships, and the psychological effects of abuse. This knowledge empowers survivors to understand what they've been through and how it has impacted them.

    3. Coping Strategies: Therapy equips survivors with practical coping strategies and emotional regulation techniques to manage the anxiety, depression, and trauma often associated with narcissistic abuse. These tools help individuals regain a sense of control over their emotions and lives.

    4. Rebuilding Self-Esteem: Narcissistic abuse can erode self-esteem and self-worth. Therapists guide survivors in rebuilding their self-esteem and self-compassion, fostering a positive self-image and self-acceptance.

    5. Setting Boundaries: Learning to set and enforce healthy boundaries is a critical aspect of therapy. Survivors gain the skills to protect themselves from future abuse and establish healthier relationships.

    6. Processing Trauma: Many survivors of narcissistic abuse experience post-traumatic stress symptoms. Therapy can help individuals process their trauma, reduce distressing symptoms, and work toward post-traumatic growth.

    7. Empowerment: Therapy aims to empower survivors, helping them regain a sense of agency, autonomy, and control over their lives. This can be particularly empowering and uplifting.

    In summary, therapy for narcissistic abuse is a professional and friendly approach to healing. It acknowledges the unique challenges faced by survivors and offers them the guidance, support, and tools needed to recover and move forward. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, providing hope and resilience to those who have experienced the pain of narcissistic relationships.

  • Two hands holding a LGBTQ rainbow heart for LGBTQ affirming counseling

    LGBTQ+ Affirming Counseling

    Imagine a counseling space where you're not just accepted but truly celebrated for who you are. LGBTQ+ affirming counseling is like a warm and welcoming embrace, a safe haven where you can be your authentic self without fear of judgment.

    In these sessions, your unique journey, experiences, and identity are not only acknowledged but also celebrated. It's like having a conversation with a friend who understands the complexities and joys of being a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

    Our focus is on creating a supportive environment where we can explore your feelings, relationships, and personal growth in a way that aligns with your identity. It's a bit like having a compass that helps you navigate life's challenges while staying true to your authentic self.

    We’re here as your allies, ready to provide guidance, empathy, and resources to empower you on your path to self-discovery and personal well-being. Together, we'll work towards a brighter, more affirming future where you can thrive as your true self.

  • mountains with bright sun for life transitions

    Life Transitions

    Therapy for Life transitions is like having a trusted friend to lean on during times of change. It's a warm and understanding space where we navigate the twists and turns of life's transitions together.

    Think of it as a conversation by the fireside, where you can openly explore your hopes, fears, and uncertainties as you journey through new chapters in life. Whether you're facing career shifts, relationship changes, or personal milestones, we'll work through them with empathy and support.

    In our sessions, we'll create a roadmap to help you adapt and thrive during these periods of transformation. It's a bit like crafting a compass to navigate uncharted waters, ensuring you stay true to your goals and values.

    We are here as your guides, ready to provide you with the tools, insights, and encouragement you need to make the most of life's transitions. Together, we'll help you find balance, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose as you embrace what lies ahead. You don't have to go through it alone; we’re here to accompany you on this meaningful journey.

  • table full of healthy food, fruit and vegetables for nutritional services

    Nutritional Services

    Nutrition isn't just about fueling our bodies; it's a cornerstone of our mental and emotional well-being. The mind-body connection highlights how what we eat profoundly impacts our mental health. A balanced diet can enhance mood, cognition, and overall mental clarity, while poor nutrition can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and even contribute to conditions like depression. By nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods and prioritizing a healthy relationship with food, we not only support physical health but also cultivate resilience and vitality in our minds. This powerful connection underscores the importance of holistic health practices that integrate nutrition, mental wellness, and self-care, ultimately empowering us to thrive in all aspects of our lives.

    Here’s a brief overview of our nutrition program:

    • Personalized Meal Planning: We collaborate with you to develop customized meal plans tailored to your unique dietary needs, preferences, and health goals.

    • Nutritional Counseling: Through one-on-one sessions, we provide personalized guidance and support, helping you navigate nutritional challenges, make healthier food choices, and develop sustainable eating habits.

    • Meal Tracking and Analysis: Assistance in tracking your meals and analyzing dietary intake to identify areas for improvement and optimize nutritional balance.

    • Mindful Eating Practices: We teach you mindfulness techniques and mindful eating practices, helping to cultivate a deeper awareness of your eating habits, emotions, and hunger cues.

    • Education and Resources: Equipping you with valuable nutritional knowledge and resources, empowering you to make informed decisions about diet and lifestyle.

    • Ongoing Support and Accountability: Ongoing support and encouragement, helping you stay motivated and accountable as you work towards your health and wellness goals.