Your healing journey begins now

Therapy and Nutritional Services in Nevada, New Jersey & Pennsylvania

Your unique path to healing and self-discovery is our core focus

We offer a sanctuary of empathy, where you can freely and openly explore your inner world. Our commitment is to stand with you, sans judgment, and facilitate your discovery of the wisdom and strength within you, ultimately guiding you towards a life enriched with fulfillment and empowerment.


  • Woman with headphones on. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing EMDR

    Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing

    EMDR is a technique that uses bilateral stimulation to help individuals process and reduce the emotional distress associated with traumatic memories.

  • Woman with brown hair using the tapping EFT technique for trauma anxiety healing

    Emotional Freedom Technique & Tapping

    The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping is a holistic therapy that involves tapping on specific acupressure points to alleviate emotional distress and promote a sense of well-being.

  • Woman on the beach - healing from narcissistic abuse

    Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

    Narcissistic abuse recovery involves a therapeutic and self-healing process aimed at overcoming the psychological and emotional trauma caused by relationships with narcissistic individuals, rebuilding one's self-esteem, and establishing healthier boundaries.

  • Two hands holding LGBT rainbow heart for LGBTQ affirming counseling

    LGBTQ+ Affirming Counseling

    LGBTQ+ affirming counseling is a therapeutic approach that provides a supportive and accepting environment for individuals of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, helping them explore their unique challenges and experiences while promoting their mental and emotional well-being.

  • Beautiful mountains with bright sun and a few clouds for life transitions

    Life Transitions

    Therapy for life transitions offers individuals a supportive and structured environment to help you effectively manage the emotional and psychological challenges associated with major life changes, fostering resilience and personal growth.

  • Table filled with healthy fruits and vegetables for nutrition services and counseling

    Nutritional Services

    Our nutritional services with Stephanie Brown, M.S., RD, LDN are tailored to fuel your well-being. From personalized meal plans to mindful eating strategies, Stephanie guides you on a journey to nourish your body and heal from within. Whether you're seeking to address specific health concerns or simply optimize your nutrition, her expertise and support empower you to thrive.

Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are.”

—Brené Brown